My Affiliate Marketing Journey

It was many years ago now, that I discovered this thing called Affiliate Marketing, and I laugh now at my first attempts to make sales. I really thought all I needed to do was share some links with people and the sales would happen like magic. It wasn’t my fault, this is the impression that is given by a lot of marketers. It took me a while to figure out that impression it is a bit of a ploy by these marketers, to help them get more sales. After all, saying things like affiliate marketing is really hard, and takes years to make progress is not going to entice anyone to make a purchase is it?

However, this “it is so easy” trend, also does a lot of harm in my opinion. It creates a cycle of failure, frustration, and suspicion. I certainly felt all of those things in the beginning. If it wasn’t for the fact that I am so stubborn and keen to understand why I wasn’t getting results, well I would have left affiliate marketing behind a long time ago.

The truth is, affiliate marketing CAN be quite easy AFTER you have learned the correct skills. However it seems that very few people are willing to take the time and energy to learn. This is of course also related to this “it is so easy” ad culture. There is a sense of “you just need the right product and sales will fly”. This keeps people on the hook and buying more….. it is called shiny object syndrome in the business.

After I figured out a lot about what was actually going on with the advertisng culture, I was quite disgusted to be honest. It really put me off working as an affiliate for a long time. I really hated the fact that there is an acceptance of a 5% of people will succeed and 95% will fail rate. So, I decided that I wanted to challenge the status quo. I took my time and figured out how to turn that around.

Those who have followed my online earning journey for a long time will know that I have tried various things to help others overcome the barriers to success. Some worked well, and some didn’t. It is not easy to challenge the actions of big marketers when you are a little fish in a big pond. However, I never gave up.

Now I am a lot more successful than the majority of marketers, and the reason for that is because I work in a way that shows the “little fish” or the new marketer that they do not have to get involved in the methods that make 95% of people fail. There is another way.

For this reason I focus on teaching people how to make consistent affiliate sales with just a few products. I do not bombard people with emails or social media posts that share “the latest affiliate products”. Instead I focus on reaching high level income with a few products that have stood the test of time.

I focus on teaching people how to reach income levels of $25,000 with a single product for example. Or indeed, how to reach earnings of $10,000 per month promoting ONE affiliate tool.

By focusing on just a few things in this way, I have learned what works and what does not work. I have also gained a very good reputation for not sharing products that are poor quality just so I can make a few $$$…… unlike many affiliates in this niche.

If you read my previous blog posts you will know that my plan for this blog is to share with you my own methods, and to teach and guide you on reaching high level income as an affiliate. I will provide you with blog posts that work for me day in and day out to get sales. I will also tell you exactly what you need to post on your own blog, and when.

I truly look forward to helping you to progress in this industry. I look forward to teaching you that failure is not acceptable, and to provide you with all the guidance you will ever need.

To follow my plan you will need a couple of accounts. The first is the platform which will allow you to publish your own blog. Click here to join the site I recommend if not already done so. It is free for 7 days, then just $10 a month. It may take a few months before your affiliate earnings cover this cost, but if you work with me I will do everything I can to get you earning ASAP. If you can’t afford to pay $10 a month at the moment I suggest you follow my free site plan until you can afford to pay for it.

The free site I recommend for this purpose is Ads by UAP and you should join my Facebook Group so I can help you with building it up to cover your costs.

The second account you will need for my plan is free to join. This one will be used to teach you about list building and email marketing. Click here to register for free

Note that my links in this post are referral rotator links where I help my team to get referrals. Please send your own referral links to me so I can include them in these referral rotators. The email address is It may take a little time for me to add your links – I work through the emails in the order received and will respond to confirm when they have been added.

Ellie xx

PS, if you would like to receive an email when I add a new post to this blog please add your details to the form below:






4 responses to “My Affiliate Marketing Journey”

  1. Jack Mata avatar

    Ellie Murphy

    I love reading your blog posts, I would love to learn how to write a blog for my website but not really sure how to go about it to be honest with you, take care


    1. elliesaffiliates avatar

      Thank you Jack, I am glad you are enjoying my blog so far. I will send you the getting started guide which will guide you step by step on setting things up.
      Ellie xx

  2. Edna Gatdula avatar
    Edna Gatdula

    I just want to thank you for all your guidance.
    Honestly, I thought it was just easy to create a blog but when I started it, I made how many edits before I published it lol.

    1. elliesaffiliates avatar

      Ah you are very welcome….. you will laugh at yourself in a few months when you realise it doesn’t have to be perfect.
      It will NEVER be perfect, so get it out there and work on getting better all the time!
      Ellie xx

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