If you read yesterdays blog post already, you will know that it is ABSOLUTELY VITAL that you build your downline on Infinity Traffic Boost to help you work your way up the levels of advertising packages.
Building your downline on Infinity Traffic Boost is how you will earn high level income, and cover the costs to move up the traffic levels. This is turn allows you to become a team building machine. The more people you have in your team, who are actively surfing and upgrading, the more money you will earn, and the more automated advertising you can purchase.
In addition, you will be able to contact your downline for free on site to share other opportunities etc with them. This makes it incredibly beneficial to work on consistently.
If you spend the time working on Infinity Traffic Boost, you will create a never ending advertising system and high level income at the same time.
The Promotion System
As I always recommend, you should follow this promotion system:
- Use a Lead Capture Page
- Create An Email List
- Promote the Lead Capture Page on Traffic Sites To Gain Subscribers
- Send Emails To Your Email List Subscribers
This is a professional marketing system that has been proven to work for many, many years now. If you are not using it then you make team building a lot harder than it needs to be. Let me expain more:
Use a Lead Capture Page and Email List
The lead capture page is used in your promotions to add subscribers first into your personal contact list. This is what helps you to become an influencer because it allows you to build a relationship with many people at the same time.
To promote Infinity Traffic Boost I personally use 2 different capture pages at the same time. One page targets those who wish to learn about traffic, and the other page targets people who want to learn about effective team building. These pages are:
https://llpgpro.com/elliestraffictornado/ (Code page-aXNNZYwVVWk)
https://llpgpro.com/teambuildingmachine/ (Code page-aznVfPDV)
Feel free to use one or both pages for you own promotions – you will need an account on Leadsleap to do that.
The instructions for importing capture pages, and creating and linking an email list, can be found in this blog post:
Done For You Affiliate Marketing Lead Capture Page
Promote the Lead Capture Page on Traffic Sites To Gain Subscribers
I recommend you promote your lead capture pages on the following traffic sites:
(I will be adding new blog posts explaining how to use these sites very soon)
Send Emails To Your Email List Subscribers
The Welcome Email
When you have imported the capture pages and created and linked your email list, you can send any emails you want to those subscribers. You should always add a welcome email to introduce yourself to your new subscriber. This is the email that can make or break the relationship with your new subscriber, so you need to make good use of it.
In this case, that includes providing information about joining Infinity Traffic Boost, how it works etc. For that part I always provide a link to my blog posts and I find that is the most effective.
My welcome Email Example
You Can Become A Team Building Machine
~smartHi~Welcome to my Team Building Machine Training. My name is Ellie Murphy and I can easily add 1000+ people to practically ANY opportunity I choose to work on.
Today I want to teach you how to do the same.
The first thing you need is a very powerful traffic account.
Click Here To Join The Best Traffic Site For This Plan
This account is going to be used to create a fully automated advertising system for you. If you follow my guidance step by step you will be able to promote ANY opportunity effectively.
Step 1 is to work on building your advertising budget and traffic generation at the same time. You can do this from zero investment required.
With a steady flow of cash and automated traffic, advertising becomes very easy.
You will never have to spend more than 10 or 15 mins a day working on traffic generation ever again.
Click Here To Learn About Effective Team Building Methods
I am sure you will find these posts extremely useful, do take the time to read them ASAP.
Ellie xx
Follow Up Emails
Personally I now just send out emails to all of my email contacts each time I write a new blog post.
Why Send Blog Post Links?
Not only does sending blog post links provide the detailed information needed by those who might wish to join, it sets me apart from other marketers as a leader and a coach. This gets me a lot of followers on my blog, and that converts into new team members and affiliate product customers for many different options.
Just look at the sceeenshot below to see the number of people in my downline on Infinity Traffic Boost already – over 1600 people are in my team now and this number constantly grows.

How My Blog Gets Improved Email Engagement Rates
In addition, I often get new contacts adding a new, more frequently used email address to my email lists via my blog posts. They quickly realise I am providing useful information and not trying to sell everything under the sun to them (unlike most marketers do). This alone makes a huge difference as I can then actually contact people properly.
Most email marketing emails go to an email address used just for traffic sites, or SPAM filters reduce delivery rates. The reading rate is very low as emails easily get lost in those accounts. This is not the case with my emails as my followers add an address they actually use for more important emails. My followers are genuinely interested in what I am sending them and many people open and read my emails daily.
Building Success Online
To be honest, my blog does all kinds of wonderful things for me, and certainly helps me to be a lot more successful online. It even brings me new contacts via search engines without me doing anything. I highly recommend blogging to everyone who works online as the difference it makes is huge.
Want To Try Blogging For Yourself?
If you would like to try blogging for yourself then I highly recommend using an account with Global Domains International (GDI) to create your blogging account.
Click Here To Join Global Domains International.
If you join my team on GDI I can guide you step by step on using it. I can even provide you with blog posts you can copy and paste.
In addition I use a referral rotator system to help my team build income from this account – That is on top of results gained from blog posts directly by the way. It is a VERY effective and enjoyable way to earn online.
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