Why Focus Attention on Less Traffic Sites to Scale Your Traffic Levels?

Many people believe you have to use as many different traffic sites as possible to scale traffic levels. This is why they become confused and overwhelmed.

Instead of trying to manage ads on a huge number of sites, it is much more effective to use a core list of 4 – 6 sites. The core sites I recommend are discussed in How To Create A Tornado of Traffic in 1 Hour Per Day

When you focus your efforts on a small number of sites, you can make much better use of them. Not only are you much less stressed, with a lot less workload, you benefit from learning a lot more about the site and its members. Most importantly the members of those sites start to recognise your name and your ads.

When you focus your attention on a small number of sites it builds your relationships with its members, and this is key to your success online.

How To Scale Your Traffic Levels on A Small Number of Sites?

Ok so if you keep the number of sites small, how do scale up your traffic levels? It is actually quite simple, but involves a big change in mindset.

Instead of thinking about getting your ads in as many places as possible, think about how to get as many members of a traffic site onto your email list as you can. EVERY person who works online is looking for something, and that means you can benefit in some way from building a relationship with ALL of them.

Those people not interested in your main opportunity can help you increase your traffic levels for example. Or they may be able to teach you something you are wanting to learn. It is VERY useful to build relationships with other marketers even if they do not want to join your earning opportunity team.

To help you do this you should have different types of ads. Each of your ads can target different sections of members. For example, those who want to increase results from traffic, as well as other ads for those who are interested in new earning opportunities.

So to scale your traffic levels, you simply increase the number of ads. This expands over time, growing consistently. This grows in line with building an adveritsing budget.

Paying for Traffic Upgrades

Obviously it is much easier to get more traffic from a site when you are upgraded. Upgrades cost money, and this can be expensive. To help pay for your traffic costs you should therefore aim to get paid referrals so you can earn commission.

The more referrals you get the more you can afford to scale your traffic.

This is quite easy to do when you are working on a core set of traffic sites. You understand the sites a lot more, and can explain the best way to use them to others. You have developed a lot more knowledge about those specific traffic sites than most other marketers, simply because you have focused your attention on using them. You can then use that knowldege to help you gain referrals (and I can teach you how to do that).

What To Promote?

You should ALWAYS have some ads running that are specifically aimed at getting referrals to traffic sites. This will pay for your traffic in advance, and avoids you going poor trying to pay for it. Those who do not promote traffic sites to others are missing the whole concept of effective traffic site use:

Promote the traffic site, earn commission, use commission for paid ads for building your business. This is what makes working online very easy.

I have provided the ads that I personally use for this already in my post How To Create A Tornado of Traffic in 1 Hour Per Day. Do feel free to use them too!

More Effective Advertising

Fact is, you should NEVER focus all your attention on building a single income stream. Apart from the risk involved in doing this, it is also very hard work. Doing it means you can only ever hope to gain team members or customers from a very low percentage of the population. You are making life very hard for yourself when you do that. It is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Instead of looking for a needle in a haystack, (which makes advertising very hard work) you think about what you can do with all of the hay. As I said earlier, “EVERY person who works online is looking for something, and that means you can benefit in some way from building a relationship with ALL of them. Those people not interested in your main opportunity can help you increase your traffic levels for example”.

Working in this way increases your target audience from about 1% (or less) up to 50 or 60% of a SINGLE traffic site. It makes advertising much easier, it helps you to get traffic site referrals, and builds your advertising budget at the same time.

THAT is what allows you to scale your traffic to any level you want.

THAT is why you should also join in with our Traffic Tornado Campaign. You will find all the details about doing that here: How To Create A Tornado of Traffic in 1 Hour Per Day

Want To Learn More About Building Your Traffic Levels?

I have a lot more information to share with you. Do take a moment to add your details to my email list that is specifically about traffic if not already on it.

Ellie xx



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