What is Leadsleap and What Does It Do?

Leadsleap is the main platform that I recommend to others who want to work on affiliate marketing or team building. It has been around for many years, and it has developed from a simple traffic exchange into a powerhouse of marketing.

I like to think about Leadsleap in 3 distinct ways:

  • Traffic Generation
  • Lead Management
  • Earning Opportunity

I will be writing more detailed blog posts about each of these options later, for now let me explain a little more about what they are.

Traffic Generation

First and foremost Leadsleap is a site that allows its members to gain views of a website or webpage. It has a large number of people who use the site on a daily basis, mostly those who want to promote an earning opportunity to others.

Leadsleap offers both free and paid methods of gaining views to any online page.

Lead Management

In more recent years, Leadsleap has added a whole range of marketing tools. The main tools offer a method of gaining the contact details of leads, and of sending emails to them automatically. It also provides statistical information to help improve marketing results, such as how many people open the emails that are sent.

Earning Opportunity

Many online traffic sites offer members the option of earning commission for promoting the site to others. Leadsleap provides both free and paid members the chance to make money from doing this, but it also has several other earning options as well.

Why Do I recommend Leadsleap?

Regardless of your level of experience with marketing, Leadsleap has something to suit your needs. If you simply want to promote an opportunity using the free method of sharing with site members, you can do so, and even earn a small amount while you do it. If you want to learn more about professional marketing and using lead generation tools, you can do that. If you wish to work as an affiliate and earn income from promoting Leadsleap to others, you can do that too.

In my opinion Leadsleap is one of the best marketing sites online, and it will grow with your own learning and development. My own online marketing knowledge and skills greatly increased as a result of using Leadsleap.

Click Here If You Would Like To Join Leadsleap Using My Referral Link

Ellie xx

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6 responses to “What is Leadsleap and What Does It Do?”

  1. Paul Brooks avatar

    Hi Ellie,
    is the process here to copy this post and re-write it and post to my website?


  2. James avatar

    Hi Ellie

    I started on your leadsleap course and before I had finished’ living in South Africa we have a power problem and the power went off before I had saved
    I also had a problem using the code tp load the email list

    Can you help me get back to the training course


    1. elliesaffiliates avatar

      Yes of course thats no problem James, I am currently adding a list of content to my main affiliate blog where the course for LL is added. If you pop over to affiliateblogging.ws you should see those links in the contents. I have a few more to update but will do that today!

  3. Kelley Martison avatar

    Hi Ellie l was surfing on leadsleap when l came across your ads l did not know it was posted by you. I have started the training and to candid l love it. I registered with Leadsleap 2 years ago but since l did not understand what l was doing l left it just returned to it last 2 months. Hope to gain more from your coaching. Thanks a lot

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