Affiliate Advertising Club A Real User Review

The Affiliate Advertising Club is a program that was developed by Clay Montgomery and Frank Calabro Jr. Their intention was to create an advertising platform that is designed specifically for affiliate marketers to get access to a large database of confirmed buyers.

Click Here To Join Affiliate Advertising Club

Clay Montgomery and Frank Calabro Jr are both highly regarded in the affiliate marketing world, and have helped many people to become successful with their training programs and guidance. They have a combined 40 year history of working online and both are confirmed as million dollar earners.

The platform launched on 26th October 2023, and today (28th October 2023) there are 19,504 Affiliate Advertising Club Members.

Advertising on Affiliate Advertising Club

You can buy 5 different traffic packages for $10, $20, $40, $80 and $160 to advertise anything you wish to promote. The platform is aimed at affiliates so it makes sense to use the advertising to promote affiliate marketing programs and products.

You get 1 ad credit for each $10 spend = ad seen by 1 person.

Although this cost seems high in comparison to other advertising platforms, it needs to be considered in conjunction with the fact this is a real buyer list. The advertising on this platform gives you access to some of the most wealthy people in the affiliate world. In addition, there is a reward part of the program which doubles the ad spend. This is discussed in more detail under the How To Earn section later in this review.

There are 4 different ad options available: Login ads, text ads, banner ads and solo ads.

The login ads are placed on quite a long timer of 25 seconds which is good of course for advetisers. Unlike many advertising platforms the text ads and banner ads are prominately displayed, which is also very good for getting ad results. For example when you log in to the dashboard area you will see these ads clearly shown around the welcome video as you can see below:

The text and banner ads are seen on every page of the site, and I must admit I do like the layout of these. It is obvious the advertising has been thought out properly and I can see this platform will prove effective for marketers.

The solo ads are emails that are sent directly to the members email address.

The Affiliate Advertising Club program gives you the ability to get real human buyer traffic from confirmed paid members. This is a popular method of gaining affiliate purchases which is used by the majority of very successful affiliate marketers. Access to a confirmed buyer list is the main reason that established affiliates can make affiliate sales quickly and easily on a daily basis.

In addition, when you buy an ad package you get a position in the activity rewards program equal to that purchase. This gives the opportunity to get paid back double your ad spend.

How To Earn With Affiliate Advertising Club

The Affiliate Advertising Club gives you 2 different ways to earn.

There is an affiliate program that pays up to 20% commissions on your referrals and their re-purchases. Everyone starts at the same level of 10% commission, so you would earn $10 for a $100 ad spend from someone you referred to the site.

There is a commission ranking system in place, and every Affiliate Advertising Club member starts off at the rank of Pearl (10% commission level). Commission increases to 15% for members who reach $20,000 in team purchases, and 20% when a total of $50,000 is reached. The 15% commission level is given the rank of Ruby and the 20% level is ranked as Diamond.

The second way to earn with this program is their Activity Rewards Program (ARP). This rewards active Affiliate Advertising Club members with the opportunity to double their advertising spend. By clicking on just 5 ads per day (2 text ads, 2 banner ads, and 1 solo ad) the members secure a position in a single line system.

When the member reaches the top of the line they are paid back double the ad cost. Only the member at the top of the list is paid the reward. However, this is not a straight forward first in, first out system. To maintain your position in this list members need to perform the daily activity of clicking on other member ads. Those who are not active will be passed over by active members so the position in the line is not static.

The reward program is optional and there is no guarantee of income from this part of the system. It rewards members for being active but ALSO depends on advertising sales being made. The reward funds are only paid out when there is sufficient funding in the system to pay the reward. This part of the earning plan is likely to slow down over time as new funding is not always going to be forthcoming.

Funding Your Affilite Advertising Club Account

The minimum deposit is $10, but the only way to pay and be paid is using cryptocurrency. I recommend using Litecoin as this is the fastest and has the lowest fees for making payments online.

I personally use Coinbase for my cryptocurrency transactions.

My Personal Experience With Affiliate Advertising Club

I joined the site about a week before the launch date, and funded it with $150. I was tempted to add more, but I think it is very easy to get carried away with the idea of making easy money quickly. I prefer to take a cautious approach to using new sites even though this one is owed by 2 very prominant and trusted figures.

I did not run any new advertising campaigns, and shared the site just with my email list and in my Facebook group. I gained around 70 referrals before the launch date.

I advised my referrals to watch the videos on site and did not make any recommendation with regard to funding.

On launch day there was a lot of demand placed on the system as everyone was trying to get in as a paid member ASAP. Inevitibly the site struggled a bit to cope with the high demand, however after a few attempts I was able to purchase ads. Some of my referrals also made purchases, and I quickly earned some commission.

I personally purchased some $10 and $20 ads, and quickly gained some clicks on the text ads I posted.

Today, my ad positions started paying out the rewards. My earning and advertising stats are shown in the screenshot below:

Some members added a lot of money to this platform on day 1, and a lot of commission was earned. Below you can see the amount of ad spend that was gained by the top 5 members:

As you can see there is a lot of money in the system, and these members have earned 20% commission. Earning thousands of dollars on day 1 is incredible for anyone.

Do I Recommend Affiliate Advertising Club?

To be honest it is difficult to not recommend Affiliate Advertising Club, and not just because of the earning potential that provides for me. With this new advertising program you can advertise anything you like to people who have a lot of money available to spend. There are people who buy a lot of affiliate products on this site already, and quite frankly that gives the little guy a major advantage that usually takes many years to gain.

I think the advertising system is well thought out, and it should prove to be highy effective. I will certainly be using this site to attempt to get some “big buyers” onto my own email list, and I think anyone who does not do that is missing the point and massive potential of the site.

With regard to the rewards system, I do have some reservations about it. Had I not had any worries about it at all then I would have happily added my life savings. I think it has been designed specifically to encourage a high deposit and purchase level, and as a long term marketer I have seen the damage that can do.

I understand fully the system is currently set up to make the “first advantage movers” jump in with huge funds. It has certaintly done its job very well. There is obviously a lot of money available to pay the rewards at the moment. However it is not sustainable long term unless there is some additional “new spend” encouraged later. I am personally worried that people will go into this project with more funds than they can afford in the hope of making easy money.

My recommendation is to start small and NEVER to get in over your head. I could have easily added a lot more funds myself, but feel the need to highlight that caution is definitely required. Make good use of the advertising that is being provided here, and withdraw your initial funds quickly. You can then use the system to keep increasing your own ad spend on site and focus on what that can do for you instead of looking at the reward system as a way to make a lot of easy money fast.

I believe there is a HUGE potential being provided here, but that is somewhat being overshadowed by the “fast and easy cash” system that could easily get out of hand.

Please be careful and understand there is a risk of not being paid the double ad spend reward, especially the older the site gets. I do hope Clay and Frank have a plan in mind to resolve that later. They are certainly experienced enough to know that is a requirement for long term sustainability.

Click Here To Join Affiliate Advertising Club

Ellie xx

PS this review is my own experience of using the site and is NOT included in my copy and paste system. I will provide another blog post that can be copied.


6 responses to “Affiliate Advertising Club A Real User Review”

  1. mindfulmojo avatar

    I can’t say I was at all impressed with their advertising.

    The banner ads and text ads have a timer which uses an iframe.
    There is mention of this when making the ad.

    This is wrong from above:
    You get 1 ad credit for each $10 spend = ad seen by 1 person.

    I only spent $10 and I got plenty of impressions and clicks,
    but due to my link not being able to be displayed in iframe
    all clicks were absolutely wasted.

    I do have a pending withdraw I made the same day,
    so as long I get that I am not entirely displeased. 🙂

    I did write their Support about this issue,
    they replied that I could find a Banner Creator from their Facebook.

    You can test if your link works by going to their Login Ad
    creation page, they have a link tester there.

    1. elliesaffiliates avatar

      Thank you for letting me know about the ad results. I meant 1 credit = 1 solo ad but I realise now I didn’t actually say that so thanks for highlighting that error, I will update it now.

      Most ad sites have a iframe so it is a good idea to use the tester for all ads.

      1. mindfulmojo avatar

        This is really good advice, but still is not at all common for banner ads or text ads to use iframe. It could have been easily fixed by having the iframe disappear after the timer or even an “Open in new window” button.

        I keep seeing 15 years in the making, but it doesn’t seem like very much thought was put into this.

  2. Raju mahtani avatar
    Raju mahtani

    I have joined Affiliate Advertising club. Very interesting and hope to do well in this one.

    The Shiny ball syndrome is a program I need to join.

    I still need to learn and do a lot of work. But I take the time to read all that you write and post.

  3. Kevan avatar

    Hi there Ellie, Thank you for this review. It is very good and full of useful information. I also have a coin base account, but to be fair have not used it much up to now. But yes right there is always a but is ther no? I will be adding funds through it as well. So that will be another learning curve for me also. I I think I have just added a bit of funds in it and done nothing else as yet. But to day is the day lol


    1. elliesaffiliates avatar

      I am glad you found the review helpful. I will probably write some info about using Coinbase soon as well…. I have a list of things I want to get written already mind you so it won’t be straight away!

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