Category: Copy and Paste Emails

  • The $100 A Day Team Building System

    To work on my $100 a day team building system you need to have an account with Leadsleap. This account is used to create your own email list. Click Here To Join Leadsleap There are 3 main parts to the team building system: Below you will find the guidance for setting up each of these…

  • Is There A Way To Earn $10 in 1 hour 100% Free?

    I get asked all the time, “Is There A Way To Earn $10 in 1 hour 100% Free?”. This question shows the expectation that people have of affiliate marketing. My answer is always the same. YES, there is a way to earn $10+ in 1 hour 100% free…… however most of the time this is…

  • Done For You Affiliate Marketing – Welcome Email

    Hopefully by now you have your blog set up, your first post published and your lead capture page and email list set up as well. If not you should follow the directions in these posts before reading on: WordPress Blog Set Up with Global Domains International Done For You Affiliate Marketing First Blog Post Done…