How To Make More Money With Leadsleap Advertising

You can make money with Leadsleap advertising in several different ways. For example:

  • you can create a tracker link and use that in your Leadsleap advertising instead of the direct link
  • you can use the advertising to build your own email list and promote to these contacts later
  • you can use the ad widget tool in your lead capture pages, blog posts or website
  • you can use the advertising to promote affiliate offers to other members
  • you can use the advertising to build a team on other opportunity sites
  • you can charge to advertise on Leadsleap for other people

In this blog post I am going to focus on the use of advertising to make more money through promoting affiliate offers and opportunity sites.

I have already provided information that explains how to use the Advertising on Leadsleap to add your offer or opportunity to the Leadsleap traffic exchange section. Now I want to talk about the type of adverts that you put on to the site, and how to make them more effective.

How To Tailor Your Ads To Leadsleap Members

The most important thing you need to keep in mind when you are using Leadsleap advertising is the fact that the majority of the members of the site are there to promote a business. Many of them have no interest whatsoever in joining another work online opportunity. However this does not mean that Leadsleap is not good to use, it means that YOU need to adjust your ad campaigns.

The first thing you should do is write a list of reasons why the option that you want to promote is beneficial to people who are already promoting something else. For example, does it provide tools or knowledge that may be of interest to others who work online already?

When you take the time to think about this then your ads are going to be a lot more effective.

If you are promoting something that has no benefits to other marketers then consider working in a different way. You could use a different type of product or campaign to help you attract a lot more people onto your email list.

Why You Should Always Promote A Marketing Product on Leadsleap

So many people are completely focused on promoting an earning opportunity they wish to build, that they do not use traffic sites to the best of their advantage. The fact is ALL traffic site members are marketers so a marketing product will attract a LOT more attention than anything else.

This is not about giving up on promoting the opportunity you wish to build, it is about working in a much more strategic way. You can easily use the earnings from promoting a marketing product to pay for more effective and targeted traffic for your main opportunity.

In addition, this is a very good way to get other marketers onto your email list where you can build a much better relationship with them BEFORE promoting your main business to them. By working in that way you are significantly more likely to get a better result.

List Building On Leadsleap

List building on Leadsleap is a very interesting experience…… Many of the members are using list building tools as well so they can be much more responsive to joining an email list. However, it also works in reverse and it can make some members a lot less responsive.

In my experience you have to be extremely clear about the benefits to being on your email list for capture pages to work well on Leadsleap. Remember that you are competing for attention against some very exerienced and seasoned marketers on there. Make sure you highlight the BENEFITS in your capture page headline…..

HINT: Very Good Traffic Sells Well on Leadsleap…..

DOUBLE HINT: I provide multiple capture pages that work well on Leadsleap if you need help with list building.

Want To learn More?

My next blog post is going to explain how I have earned close to $5000 of commission by promoting Leadsleap to others. Make sure you are on my email list below if you want to get a notification when I publish it.






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