Does Blogging Actually Work To Build Income?

Today I was asked “Does Blogging Actually Work To Build Income?” and I answered with a big fat YES. In all the years I have worked online, blogging is the one thing that I return to again and again.

Apart from the fact that I love it, and I always learn a lot from doing it even now, it gets me results like nothing else does.

A Real Example of How Effective Blogging Is

Just to show you the kind of power that a blog actually has, let me share some basic proof about what this brand new blog has achieved for me already.

The first thing you need to work on if you want to be a successful affiliate is getting email subscribers. You cannot even start to make sales without a personal email list to send your affiliate offers to.

One of the methods I use for doing that is by adding a subscriber box to the bottom of most of my blog posts. Here are the results that I have got in the past 12 days from this technique:

You can see above that I have had a total of 968 hits in the past 12 days. That is an average of 80 people per day that I know for a fact have read one of my blog posts right to the end. A hit will only register when the form is viewed, so if people did not read to the end of the post it would not be included in this statistic.

In the screenshot above you also see that 670 of the hits to my subscriber form are unique. This means I have had 298 people who have read more than 1 of my blog posts right to the end in the past 12 days. That is already showing me there is a lot of interest in what I am writing, and people are coming back to read more posts.

Now lets get to the number of people who have actually subscribed to my email list. In the past 12 days I have had 90 people taking action, which means they entered their details using the form. This is a 13% action rate as shown.

Now lets compare these results with the most popular method of building an email list. That is sharing a lead capture page.

A Real Example of How Effective A Capture Page Is

Now keep in mind that I am a marketer with a lot of experience. I use lead capture pages all the time…..

This is my equivalent capture page to the form on my blog. It is for targetting an affiliate marketing audience, it is running right now, and it has had a similar number of hits as my blog capture form in the past 7 days:

To see the difference clearly just compare the action statistic. Here there are 12 action takers who added their details to my capture page form. The success rate is 0.6% here.

So 13% or 90 subscribers gained with my blog compared to 0.6% or 12 subscribers gained with the lead capture page.

Why Is There Such A Big Difference?

The first thing you need to understand is my lead capture page is being shared on traffic sites. This is COLD traffic, but I am also competing with other people who are also trying to attract people interested in affiliate marketing.

The majority of people who subscribe to affiliate marketing email lists get bombarded with sales emails. On my list people get to read training emails, but they do not know that until after they join my list.

Why Use Both Methods?

The simple answer is they do different things, and together they are much more effective. The job of the lead capture page is to get people to join my email list. The job of the blog is to show those subscribers that I am here to teach them how to succeed as an affiliate and I will NOT be bombarding them with sales emails. The blog also shows my new subscribers that I am knowledgable, that I share real information, that I have been working online for long enough to have skills they want to learn etc etc.

In short, the lead capture pages bring people in, the blog is what makes them stay.

What About Income?

To be honest, it is a bit too soon in the blogging process for me to show a lot of income results yet from this new blog. However I do have some stats I can show. Since starting this blog I have added 27 people to my downline on Global Domains International as you can see below. Now some people have joined and cancelled their accounts, and some have not yet activated their accounts as yet (there is a 7 day free trial). However, there are 12 paid accounts already which means a commission was earned.

All of those referrals were not for me and the associated commission was paid to the sponsors. I have been using rotator links on my blog that work to gain team members for those in my downline. Unlike any other teams on Global Domains International, my team are learning to create affiliate blogs like this one for themselves. Soon they will also be able to generate such results and gain income too.

If you would like to learn how to do this simply register for an account on Global Domains International using the rotator link below:

We will soon have your blog working for you too.

Ellie xx

PS if you have not subscribed to my email list yet, you can do so using the form below:




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