Tag: Why Blog?

  • 8 Ways You Can Make Money Today For Free – $100+ Available!

    With 8 ways you can make money today for free, you can pick and choose an option that suits you best, or you can try them all and see which you like. Fact is there is money literally all over the internet just waiting to be grabbed. Today I want to explain the different ways…

  • Building Trust Online is A Vital Skill For Affiliates

    Trust is an interesting topic for anyone. We all know it is important in human relationships, but yet we rarely understand clearly where it comes from. For some people, trust comes easily, and for others it takes years to build. We often rely on “gut instinct” when we meet a new person, and know that…

  • Gaining Influence – The Key To Affiliate Marketing Success

    Gaining influence is the key to affiliate marketing success, and it is something that tends to evade the majority of people who work online. Today I want to talk about how to do it simply and effectively. What Is Influence? Before we look at how to gain influence, lets discuss what it actually is first…

  • What Makes A Successful Blog?

    Today I want to look at what makes a successful blog, as it might not be what you think. There is this idea that a blog needs to be really professional, with everything done perfectly, for it to work well for you. However this not the case. I have deliberately kept this blog very basic…

  • Creating An Automated Money Generation Machine

    Its funny to me now when I think back to how much I struggled to make money online when I started out on my journey. Yet now I can spend a couple of hours creating an automated money generation machine, and it practically prints money on demand. I truly wish that someone had taken the…

  • Does Blogging Actually Work To Build Income?

    Today I was asked “Does Blogging Actually Work To Build Income?” and I answered with a big fat YES. In all the years I have worked online, blogging is the one thing that I return to again and again. Apart from the fact that I love it, and I always learn a lot from doing…

  • Done For You Affiliate Blogging -Third Blog Post

    After setting up your blog on GDI and creating your promotion system as directed in Done For You Affiliate Marketing Lead Capture Page you should add a copy of the following blog posts to your own blog. Note that it is much better to adjust the posts even a little bit, to make them different…

  • How Can People Follow If You Do Not Lead?

    One of the main things you need to understand about working online is the majority of people are really confused and overwhelmed. There is a lot of information out there, but it is often written by people who either lack understanding, do not know how to provide clear direction, or who simply want people to…

  • Why Affiliates Should Write A Blog

    There are many reasons why affiliates should write a blog, but here are a few of the most important ones: Online Presence Perhaps the most important reason of all is to create an online presence. Apart from the fact that this will be working to get sales for you 24 hours a day and 7…