How To Make Affiliate Commission on Leadsleap

To make affiliate commission on Leadsleap you need to get referrals who upgrade their accounts to Pro level. You can do this as a free member as well as a paid member, and both will earn commission. In this post I will explain various methods of getting paid referrals that have worked for me as well as the earning details.

How Much Can You Earn With Leadsleap Affiliate Program?

The amount of commission you earn with the Leadsleap affiliate program depends on 2 things:

  • Your own account level (if you are a free or upgraded member yourself)
  • The pricepoint of the upgrade taken by your referrals

If you are a free member of Leadsleap you qualify for 25% commission, and if you are upgraded you get 50% commission.

There are 2 pricepoints for the upgrade:

$19.90 per month, and this is offered to new members who upgrade within their first 7 days with Leadsleap. Free members get $4.97 per month commission from this upgrade and if you have a Pro account yourself you will get $9.95 per month.

$27 per month, which is the usual amount that people pay. Free members get $6.75 per month commission from this upgrade and if you have a Pro account yourself you will get $13.50 per month.

You can have an unlimited number of referrals, so in that sense you can earn unlimited commission levels.

How To Get Referrals on Leadsleap

Getting referrals for Leadsleap tends to be a bit harder than for other traffic sites, for the simple reason that it has been around for so long. There are already over 100,000 members on the site. However, there are many new people joining the work online industry every day, so there are still plenty of people you can refer.

Knowing that it is usually people who are new to working online who join Leadsleap gives you a good advantage. It can help a huge amount when you are targeting ads specifically at people who are new to the industry.

One of the main ways to get referrals to join Leadsleap is by teaching others what the site actually does, and how to use it. This means it is very important that you spend some time learning about how it works yourself.

Promoting The Free Membership

In my opinion, one of the best ways to get paid referrals for Leadsleap is to use the free membership offer. This is the try before you buy option, but there is no time limit on using the free account. In my opinion the value of Leadsleap becomes very obvious when you actually start using it. This is especially true for the Lead Generation and Management tools that are provided.

It can be difficult for people new to the work online industry to understand why and how to use these professional level marketing tools. However, one of the good things about it is the amount of exposure that people get to messages like “The Money Is In The List”. That is something you read or hear on a regular basis when you work online, and it is 100% true.

When I started list building, I had no option but to pay for the tools required, and I have to admit that put me off for a long time. I thought the whole “You need an email list” was marketing hype to try and make commission. Now I know that is not the case and it really does make a huge difference to what you can earn online. It is not easy to see the benefits of email marketing very clearly though until you start getting results, and that takes time. This is why I love the fact that Leadsleap tools are available for free – you can work on list building without any costs for as long as it takes to start seeing the benefits.

Of course, as an affiliate, when you gain free referrals you do not earn commission, and this means most marketers try to push the paid accounts. In my opinion that is a mistake. It is much better to share the account with those who join for free and let them discover the value of upgrading. It will happen quite naturally. Pushing the paid account might gain more upgrades initially, but the free method gains more long term upgrades in my experience.

Use Leadsleap If You Want To Promote It

It truly amazes me that people try to promote Leadsleap (or any other affiliate offer) to others when they do not use it themselves. This is basic affiliate marketing 101. As an affiliate, you should only ever promote products that you personally use and are extremely happy with. It is your own experiences that sell products to others, and not the sales copy. It is NOT the affiliates job to write sales copy and many inexperienced affiliates do not understand that concept. Affiliate marketing works completely differently to general sales and is effective for that very reason.

If you want to make commission as an affiliate then talk about the reasons you use it, the results you get, and how you have done it. Most of all, use the tools yourself and allow others to clearly see that you are indeed using it. I personally use Leadsleap every single day, and I use several of the tools available as well.

In my next post I will provide a fully automated marketing campaign for Leadsleap that works for me on a daily basis. I constantly get paid referrals for this site and have earned just under $5000 of commission at the moment. As I get paid recurring commission that figure changes on a daily basis.

For those who like to see the payment/earnings proof here is a screenshot of earnings with my account today:

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