The Shiny Ball Syndrome. Is It A $10 Miracle or All About The Hype?

Its just over 3 weeks since the launch of the “$10 Miracle Business”, also known as “The Shiny Ball Syndrome” or “SBS”. Today I want to look in detail at what is involved in this business, including some guidance on how to promote it should you wish to do so. The link to join or view is here, but also at the bottom of this post after you have read more about it….

My Initial Thoughts on The Shiny Ball Syndrome

I have to say that I learned a long time ago not to get sucked into the hype that often surrounds a new launch. In fact I tend to completely avoid new businesses these days, and stick with those that have stood the test of time. When I first saw this whole “Miracle Business” thing, I thought it was just another hype fest….. until I realised this was the latest offering from Paul Darby. Based purely on the fact it was his new launch and the cost was just $10 one time cost, I joined. I am now very glad I did……

About Paul Darby

In case you don’t know already, Paul Darby has been creating online earning businesses for over 20 years, and is extremely successful in the tech industry. I have looked at a few of his business options in the past, and joined Mr X Traffic before I had much understanding of online marketing.

The thing that appeals to me most about Paul Darby is that he is very laid back and seems to be a genuine person. He does not put on any kind of persona as far as I can tell, and I like that. When he says he wants to help those who have struggled in the past to make money online, I believe that is exactly his motivation.

About The Shiny Ball Syndrome

The business concept for The Shiny Ball Syndrome is basically about using AI (Artificial Intelligence) to make a self selling program that helps to overcome the main barriers to success online. It is especially aimed at those who have struggled to make money in the past, and have very little experience of marketing. It is also a very low cost, $10 one time investment, so it is perfect for those who can’t, or don’t want to spend much money to get started.

At first look The Shiny Ball Syndrome doesn’t have a lot to offer, however there is a difference between a simple program, and a low value option. The value of this program is actually in the fact that it builds a list of buyers for the member who is promoting it.

As an experienced marketer I personally know the value of building an email list. List building has been responsible for my own success online. It usually takes a lot of time and effort to build an email list, and longer again to turn those contacts into buyers. However The Shiny Ball Syndrome is designed in such a way that it can be used to literally fast forward that whole process.

Most marketers need to build a list of 1000+ people to be able to have around 5 -10% of those contacts actually make a purchase after months or sometimes years. What The Shiny Ball Syndrome does is create an email list that is much condensed, fast tracks this whole process, and filters out the people who are willing and able to make a purchase. That is something that normally only site owners and product creators get to do.

The fact is, a buyers email list is the main criteria that is required for affiliate marketing success. This is a highly desirable and much sought after asset. The Shiny Ball Syndrome provides this for a one off $10 cost, and that is quite incredible I think.

In addition, with The Shiny Ball Syndrome, this email list is not created by a single person. What actually happens when you promote it is, you create an entire marketing team who work together to create this highly desirable and sought after email buyers list. This really is a very exciting feature of the program.

The whole platform is crammed with marketing gold dust when you take a closer look at it, and in my opinion Paul Darby has created a very affordable and simple program that has the ability to really change lives. The Shiny Ball Syndrome can take even the least experienced of marketers and propel them into success much faster than any program I have seen in the past.

All of this is included in the basic features of The Shiny Ball Syndrome. There are a lot of additional resources and training provided too. Some of the sections don’t have a lot in them just yet, but my experience with Paul Darby products in the past is he just keeps adding value to them. I know this is going to turn into a VERY comprehensive and valuable marketing resource pretty quickly.

You can see there is already a lot being added for members in the resources section, but it is very user friendly too:

Marketing Tools Provided

There are some really great marketing tools provided already. Again the plan is to make this a very easy system to promote. The banners alone are very well designed and work well to gain attention:

There are also a load of email swipes provided to make this as easy as possible.

These can be used as a pre-written follow up email campaign to help increase conversion rates. Below is just the first swipe example provided:

How Much Can You Earn With The Shiny Ball Syndrome?

As I have just explained, The Shiny Ball Syndrome creates a buyers list for those who use it. That can and will allow you to short-cut your way into a highly effective affiliate marketing business with unlimited income potential. However, today I would like to explain more about the direct income that can be gained via sales of The Shny Ball program itself.

It is now just 1 week since I joined The Shiny Ball Syndrome and I have already earned over $300 as you can see below. This was achieved with very little effort, and I simply emailed my own contact list and used just 2 mailers:

I actually earned over $100 on day 1 with this program, and this was with a variety of sales

The majority of sales were for the $10 level and as you can see in the screenshot, the commission for this is paid at $4.60. It is 50% minus a small $0.40 processing fee. In addition to that main level, there are 2 upgrade options. One costs $50 and the other costs $100. These levels allow for higher levels of commission, and are paid at 50% too. As I took the $100 upgrade on day 1 and I made 2 of the $100 sales = $46 for each one was earned. The $2.12 level commission is a second tier earning feature. I have now gained several of these sales as you can see below. I have also earned $21.16 as a second tier commission.

Company Advertising Rotator

I have to say I think this addition to the program is pulling out all the stops and shows that Paul Darby is indeed using The Shiny Ball Syndrome to help as many people as possible to make money online. It is already a very easy to promote system, but for those who struggle with promoting this is a very nice backup.

Considering Paul runs a highly successful tech business, and his Mr X Traffic program gained a very good reputation for sales generation, this addition is bound to be high quality. This is a new business from a company with over 20 years of experience in traffic and online sales. I have no doubt the company advertising will result in a lot of additional sales for members.

The main thing to remember about rotators is the more people who join them, the slower it can be to see results. At the time of writing this review there were not that many people signed up for the free rotator service.

You will find it in the members resources section under Free Member Traffic:

Money Back Guarantee

Just in case you don’t know already The Shiny Ball Syndrome comes with a money back guarantee. This is not some fake promise that will make you jump through hoops to get your money back. If you are not happy with the program you can click on a button in the back office to request a refund. The terms of this are shown below:

Future of The Shiny Ball Syndrome

One of the things that occurred to me personally is the fact that this is not a program that will go out of fashion in the next couple of months. It is based on solid marketing principles and it combines what is normally an ‘experienced marketers only’ option with something extremely simple to use. Promoting this program is as simple as sharing the referral link on traffic sites, and everyone can do that.

Given the importance of being able to build a buyers list, and the fact this program turns list building into a team activity, it has the ability to run and run for many years to come. I am personally looking forward to using and sharing this very lucrative business for a very long time.

My Advice On Promoting The Shiny Ball Syndrome

As with all online businesses there are many advertising options available for promoting this opportunity. At the moment there are a lot of people trying to take advantage of the new launch and you will see emails and capture pages everywhere. The first step in promoting this is to jump in and get your referral link out there as much as you can (my link to join is: if you want to use it).

There are millions of people this platform will help. Get into a consistent routine of sharing your ref link on a daily basis and chances are high you will get some results.

I recommend you include Infinity Mailer Boost, Viral Url and Free Advertising For You on your advertising list. They are 3 high quality ad and mailer sites which can be used on a daily basis.

As this is a new launch the hype surrounding it will soon die down, and the next big thing will be getting the attention of those who jump into every new shiny object….. that is when the real marketing work will begin for the rest of us. This program will be around for a long time, so don’t get disheartened if you don’t get results straight away. The competition is quite high right now, as everyone scrambles to get as many sales in as short a time as possible. Me…. well I always take a long term approach, and I recommend you do the same.

I will be creating multiple advertising campaigns, testing what works well, and generating new and different approaches to promoting. As always, I will be sharing various capture pages and creating done for you blog posts etc to help my followers.

Note that this particular post is NOT in my copy and paste list. Instead it is a personal review of the features provided and my own opinions. By all means use this post as inspiration to write your own review. Feel free to quote me in your own posts with an acknowledgement of where you got the information, but please do not just copy this entire post…. Remember it is YOUR opinion and experiences that your readers want to hear about.

Click Here To Join The Shiny Ball Syndrome

Not ready to write your own review? Don’t worry, my next post for SBS will be made available to copy. If not already on my email list for notifications of new blog posts you might like to join below:






10 responses to “The Shiny Ball Syndrome. Is It A $10 Miracle or All About The Hype?”

  1. Chris Joy avatar

    Great review of S.B.S.! Found it very informative and hype free, which as a fellow marketer is very refreshing.

    1. elliesaffiliates avatar

      Thank you Chris, I am glad you enjoyed it!

  2. Lee Rayment avatar
    Lee Rayment

    As usual, great review and information from you.
    Thank you, Ellie

    1. elliesaffiliates avatar

      Glad you enjoyed it Lee!

  3. Raju mahtani avatar
    Raju mahtani

    This is excellent. Will join for sure with your link Ellie.
    But I need your help and guidance to raise the ten dollars and get on board soon

    Please advise
    Warm regards.

  4. Roy Calvert avatar

    You can be a part of introducing the
    Shiny Ball Syndrome to thousands
    of people who can join for only ten
    dollars and create an income for
    themselves with this

  5. Richard Silcox avatar
    Richard Silcox

    Thank you for your extensive review much appreciated

  6. Mbwana Juma avatar
    Mbwana Juma

    Thanks Ellie to show me the way forward

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