This is How To Get Referrals and Sales Online (Part 1)

At the moment I am focused on writing about team building as part of my 1000 referrals campaign. I want to explain exactly how to get referrals and sales online in a way that you can follow step by step. So think about this post as your step 1 instructions.

I have already explained that building trust is key to succeeding online, and I suggest you read that post now if not already done so. It is important that you understand how important it is to build trust and some of the ways to achieve that.

As I explained in that post, one of the main ways to build trust with others is to provide useful information. You need to match that information with the needs of those people you send it to. There is little point in sending guidance about a topic when those you send it to are not interested in learning about it…..

The main way to achieve this match is to create a targeted email list.

In other words, you want to have a list of people who have told you “I am interested in knowing more about ——— (enter topic)”. For example, I will be sending this blog post out to people who have already told me they want to learn more about team building or generating sales online.

To create a list of people who are interested in learning about these topics I use a lead capture page. This page is designed to appeal specifically to the target audience who want the information that I can provide.

The page I use for this is:

If you wish to use this lead capture page the share code is: page-aYVwXVwhGk (Instructions on using this code are provided below).

When people enter their information into the form on this page they are telling me “I want to know more about team building”.

Make Sense?

List Building Tools

In my opinion the best account for list building tools is Leadsleap. You can join for free and use most of the tools you need for list building with this account. Upgraded members have more tools they can use.

Click Here To Join Leadsleap

After joining Leadsleap you can use the resources that I have already created and use on a daily basis to build my own email list. You should read the following blog posts so you know how to do that:

How To Import A Lead Capture Page Into Leadsleap

How To Create An Email List in Leadsleap

How To Connect A Lead Capture Page To An Email List In Leadsleap

How To Add A Welcome Email To Your Leadsleap Email List

Providing The Information

Obviously you need to have some information to send to those people who join your email list.

If you are a member of my downline on Global Domains International you are very welcome to take a copy of the majority of my blog posts so you have pre-written information to send out to your subscribers. If not on my downline already you can join using the link below. You can open a second account in my team if you have joined a different one already:

Click Here To Join Global Domains International (You will be placed under James who is one of my team members when you use this link, and yes I will share your link in a blog post too).

After joining you just need to activate the wordpress plugin to use this account as a blog. Instructions to do that are here: WordPress Blog Set Up with Global Domains International

You can then check my blog post contents list for information on various topics. Take a copy of any posts provided (as long as it doesn’t say not to copy it).


Before going on to the next step you should have:

  • Opened an account with Leadsleap.
  • Imported a copy of my lead capture page.
  • Created and connected an email list.
  • Have prepared the information you will be sharing with your subscribers.
  • Added a welcome email which shares that information.

Need Help?

If you need any help with regard to any of the items on the checklist above please add a comment to this blog post below. I will reply ASAP.

Ellie xx


3 responses to “This is How To Get Referrals and Sales Online (Part 1)”

  1. Charles Goldie avatar

    Hello Ellie

    I have an account with Global Domains International I just want to make sure that i am in your downline ?

    1. elliesaffiliates avatar

      Hi Charles, can you tell me your username please?

      1. Charles Goldie avatar

        yes my Username: mydreambiz Email:


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